The ICO is committed to supporting ophthalmic education by offering conferences, courses, curricula, and online resources through the ICO framework of “teaching the teachers” to those involved in ophthalmic education.
The ICO Ophthalmic Educators Curriculum aims to provide ophthalmic educators with a clear path to becoming competent in ophthalmic education practices.
To help enhance the quality of ophthalmic education worldwide, the ICO has developed curricula and resources for ophthalmology training in the following career stages and for selected eye care professional groups:
The International Core Curriculum for Refractive Error focuses on providing training materials for eye care professionals, with the goal of eliminating or reducing uncorrected refractive error. The curriculum is designed to provide learners with content domains or categories and the appropriate performance objectives to perform their eye care job tasks. The knowledge, skills, and interpersonal behaviors required are focused on the following three core competencies: patient care; community and health services; and medical and refractive knowledge. These competencies are organized into the following five sections with corresponding performance objectives: optics; vision assessment; refraction and instrumentation, optical dispensing, and contact lenses; and patient education.
ICO-Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubric (OSCAR) is a standardized, internationally valid tool to teach and assess an ophthalmologist’s competence in performing various types of eye surgery. This behavioral and skill-based rubric for evaluators, allows the evaluator to use the ICO-OSCAR to objectively assess the resident’s competence in performing a specific procedure. It also gives the resident a tool to better gauge their own performance.
To support those already in the residency program director position and as a reference to demonstrate this position is needed, the ICO developed the Residency Program Director Role document. The role of the Residency Program Director is to oversee and ensure the quality of didactic and clinical education, resident selection and evaluation, and patient management.
Courses for Residency Program Directors and Conferences for Ophthalmic Educators have been held in cities around the world and at selected national and supranational meeting. World Ophthalmic Education Colloquium (WOEC) have been held at World Ophthalmology Congresses (WOC), designed to engage attendees of different interests and spotlighting various aspects of ophthalmic education.
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