Connecting Ophthalmologists from Around the World to Achieve Eye Health for Everyone



The Need for ophthalmologists with a high level of education and training is of critical importance for the provision of high quality comprehensive integrated people-centered eye care.

ICO Residency Curiculum

The curriculum was developed based on analysis of curricula for the training of ophthalmologists from more than 30 countries, collected and reviewed by the task force. It is a broad-based curriculum for basic, standard, and advanced levels of ophthalmic training and presents an international consensus on what ophthalmologists and subspecialists in ophthalmology should be taught. While the curriculum provides a standardized content outline for ophthalmic training, it has been designed to be revised and modified, with the precise local detail for implementation left to the local educators. The ICO Residency Curriculum has been updated to incorporate considerations for making ophthalmic practice accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities, including low vision and blindness, deafness and physical disabilities. Considerations of inclusion have been incorporated into the Educators and Community Eye Health Sections.

ICO Residency Curiculum
ICO Residency Curiculum: Cataract and Lens Section
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