Subspecialty Examinations



The Subspecialty ICO examinations are designed for candidates who have one years’ experience in their chosen topic.

The examinations will test up-to-date knowledge and a high level of clinical experience, decision making but cannot be used as an assessment of competence or technical ability.

The examinations will be offered in the following subjects:

  • Cornea & External Eye Disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Medical & Surgical Retina
  • Oculoplastic
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Paediatrics & Strabismus
  • Uveitis

Plus Cataract Examination Each examination takes 2 hours and is presented in a booklet. 

The Examination will comprise of 80 context setting description (written, visual or graphical) each with 4 associated statements which require a single best answer response. The candidates enter their answers on response sheets which are computer marked. A positive mark is awarded for each correct answer. No mark is given to those questions marked incorrectly or left blank. The computerised results are then analysed by the Examinations Committee.


As this is a secure International Examination it takes time for all the papers to be returned for scoring. For this reason the results are not produced immediately.

Results of the ICO Subspecialty Examination will be mailed by post to candidates at the end of November.

For candidates who enroll direct with the Examination Office, detailed results are sent by air mail to their home addresses, as given on the application forms.
For candidates who are part of a group booking from a co-ordinator the result envelopes are sent by courier direct to the co-ordinator for distribution.


The Examination will be conducted in English only.
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